Nauvoo, Illinois |
Historic Nauvoo is located in Western Illinois, bordered on three sides by a bend of the mighty Mississippi River. The restored homes, mercantile establishments and community buildings maintain the charm of what once was a beautiful, industrious city. Today, Nauvoo provides an opportunity to experience the people and times of the past. Beautiful Nauvoo, Illinois has become a popular destination for visitors due to the city's history and the wide variety of experiences to be enjoyed on the bend of the Mississippi River. Annual events, restored historic sites, live entertainment and shows, Illinois' oldest winery, golfing and recreation, and quaint shopping all make Nauvoo an ideal getaway. Browse this site to learn about the poignant history of Nauvoo that helped shape many of the popular events and attractions. As you stand on the streets of Nauvoo, either looking out over the bend of the Mississippi River or looking up towards the vibrant, quaint business district, it is not hard to realize how this picturesque experience in "City Beautiful" will put a smile on the faces of all ages. |